[gst-devel] my status

arik devens adevens at antioch-college.edu
Mon Jul 22 11:53:07 CEST 2002

hey all,

so, i tried to send this message some time ago, but i just found out
yesterday that the mail client i was using was only _telling_ me it was
sending mail and not actually doing it. hopefully this will actually get

so, where have i been and why am i not working on the player right now?

answer: well, firstly i am at school doing school which means i have
less free time then the rest of you, but, i was planning on doing a
whole lot of player stuff when my laptop suddenly died. sucks.

i've ordered a new one (ibook so hadess i want software :-) and as soon
as it comes (sometime next week i think) i will be back at work again.

anyway, just letting everyone know i'm still alive and all that,

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