[gst-devel] Avi playback segfaults
Christian Fredrik Kalager Schaller
Uraeus at linuxrising.org
Mon Jun 17 13:18:05 CEST 2002
Trying to play a avi(the matrix one) with current CVS using this
pipeline (also tried it with sdlvideosink):
gst-launch --gst-debug-mask=-1 filesrc location=Matrix_f900.avi !
avidemux video_%02d! { queue ! windec ! videosink }
There are a couple of issues. If I try playback using the win32 dll it
ends with a segfault. That segfault is not visible in the log below
cause it seems not to occur when I add the 2>&1 | tee avisegfault.log
statement. Running the pipeline without that statement gives me this:
DEBUG( 3316: 0)gst_avi_debug_entry:607: index: 01653 0 00634123 01524
63563563563 00000000 006f40a2 (7291042) 00000098
DEBUG( 3316: 0)gst_avi_debug_entry:607: index: 01654 0 006341bb 01525
63605271938 00000000 006f4142 (7291202) 00000172
DEBUG( 3316: 0)gst_avi_debug_entry:607: index: 01655 0 0063432d 01526
63646980313 00000000 006f42bc (7291580) 0000027a
DEBUG( 3316: 0)gst_avi_debug_entry:607: index: 01656 0 006345a7 01527
63688688688 00000000 006f453e (7292222) 00000399
DEBUG( 3316: 0)gst_avi_debuSegmentation fault
With the statement is included in the logfile attached.
Also when moving the dll out of the way to use ffmpeg I get an ffmpeg
error running gst-launch-ext:
<Codec keeper> : WARNING: plugin /usr/lib/avifile0.7/ffmpeg.so could not
be opened: /usr/lib/avifile0.7/ffmpeg.so: undefined symbol: mm_flags
<Codec keeper> : CreateVideoDecoder(): Unknown codec 0x33564944 = "DIV3"
-------------- next part --------------
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