[gst-devel] [Fwd: [Gtk-sharp-list] Wrapping GStreamer]
iain at prettypeople.org
Fri Oct 25 02:35:02 CEST 2002
Fun from the mono crew.
-----Forwarded Message-----
From: Pokey the Penguin <pokey at linuxmail.org>
To: gtk-sharp-list at ximian.com
Subject: [Gtk-sharp-list] Wrapping GStreamer
Date: 25 Oct 2002 05:54:08 +0100
I had a first stab at wrapping gstreamer using the Gtk# parser/codegen
tools today.
I'm using
http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/gstreamer/gstreamer-0.4.1.tar.gz with
this line in .sources:
gstreamer-0.4.1/gst Gst gstreamer-0.4.1
When it comes to compiling, there are a few problems that remain:
* Some variables are named as C# keywords like 'fixed'
* The generator generates several properties with set accessors
(in Element.cs and Pad.cs) that try to make use of objects
that have not been declared. One would expect them to use
'value'. For example, in Pad.cs:
/// <summary> BufferpoolFunction Property </summary>
/// <remarks> To be completed </remarks>
public Gst.PadBufferPoolFunction BufferpoolFunction {
set {
bufpool_wrapper = null;
bufpool_wrapper = new
GtkSharp.GstPadBufferPoolFunctionWrapper (bufpool);
The compiler, of course, complains:
./Pad.cs(435) error CS0103: The name `bufpool' could not be found in
./Pad.cs(436) error CS0103: The name `value_wrapper.NativeDelegate'
could not be
found in `Gst.Pad'
This is the farthest I could get with my knowledge of the Gtk# code
generator. Any idea how to proceed? Maybe one of the Gtk# developers
would like to take over from here. Thanks!
| o_o |
| \_/ |
// \ \ penguins
(| mono | ) do it best
/'\_ _/`\
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