[gst-devel] gst_caps_replace()?

Ronald Bultje rbultje at ronald.bitfreak.net
Sun Dec 28 01:58:02 CET 2003

On Sat, 2003-12-27 at 20:15, Benjamin Otte wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Dec 2003, Ronald Bultje wrote:
> > *oldcaps = newcaps (or gst_caps_copy (newcaps));
> Which one? ;)

This 'or' was intended to kick the person that removed caps refcounting.
It's pretty annoying that, if we want to replace something with a newly
created caps, we'll create one, copy it (which re-created it) and then
remove the original:

GstCaps *caps = gst_caps_new_simple ("bla", NULL), old = ..;
gst_caps_replace_simple (&old, caps);
gst_caps_free (caps);

That's why I "proposed" to remove the copy in the replace and require
the caller to do that.


Ronald Bultje <rbultje at ronald.bitfreak.net>
Linux Video/Multimedia developer

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