[gst-devel] live stream to clients

Stephen M. Przepiora steve at przepiora.org
Thu Jul 24 09:19:13 CEST 2003

I'm looking at taking a live video feed from a camera over the network,
transcode it and serve it to clients. I have been looking at gstreamer
because it looks like it provides a lot of stuff I wont have to write.

The camera streams it over the network as MJPEG via a web server located
in the camera.  From what I read it looks like it might be fairly easy
to get the video into gstreamer ( I've hacked the stream before and
understand it). Once into the gstreamer framework transcodeing should be
easy. However I haven't found anything to say there is a server where
people with say RealPlayer will be able to connect and view the video.
Is there something that is written to do this?

Steve Przepiora

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