[gst-devel] error with configuring gstreamer-0.6.1

Mildred L. Frisco mildredf at asti.dost.gov.ph
Mon May 5 00:19:56 CEST 2003

hi!  i'm trying to install gstreamer on red hat linux 7.3   i'm using 
the source.  i tried to install the apt rpm but i can't connect to 
gstreamer server, maybe because i'm behind a proxy

the error said something like
checking XML_LIBS... -lxml2 -lz -lm
configure:error: could not link libxml2 test program. check if you have 
the necessary dependencies"

i have installed glib-2.0.6  and libxml-2.4.19-4.  however, i had an 
error with the configure.  i attached the config.log file

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