[gst-devel] Ruby bindings

Laurent Sansonetti laurent at datarescue.be
Tue May 27 09:11:08 CEST 2003

Hi everyone,

As promised, I worked a bit in the last week to produce Ruby bindings 
for GStreamer.

I implemented a few classes and a few methods, in order to make the 
first helloworld application (from the tutorial) working.  This is the 
simple MP3 player which uses the 'mad' plugin.

Yesterday I created a savannah project to host the files:

Maybe someone can make a pointer to this URL on the GStreamer bindings page?

Sources are on CVS, and here is a (long) link to the 'helloworld' 
application, for a short overview of the interface:


Hope you will find it interesting (and sorry for by bad English, I'm not 
a native speaker).


Note: I have only tested the bindings using Gentoo GNU/Linux.

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