[gst-devel] Revision of the RTP client design.
Ramón García
ramon_garcia_f at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 8 17:58:03 CEST 2003
For data for the design of the RTP client subsystem
In a previous mail, Ronald suggested to implement RTP
loading as only one element in the pipeline. That
element should be codec specific. Common functionality
between elements would be implemented by inheritance.
At his request, I am writting here the design issues
with that approach.
The RTP protocol uses two connections: one for passing
data and another for control. The control connection
is used for starting, finishing, and passing
statistics of lost packets. On the data connection,
packets are transmitted containing the media. These
packets have a 7 bit field that says what codec is the
data transmitted with. This codec is variable. However
data cannot change from audio to video in packets of
the same connection. All the packets belong to the
same logical stream, that is, for instanace, to the
same speech, or to the same song. Different codecs in
the same stream is used, for instance, to insert
comfort noise.
Each codec is packeted in a specific way in RTP
packets. This is necessary to minimize the damage
produced by lost packets. Therefore, packets should be
arranged so that each packet can be decoded
independently. If a packet is lost, that shoudn't
preclude the decoding of following packets.
Tbe implementation that I suggest contains an rtpdec
element. This element has one sink pad for the data,
one src pad for the decoded data, and a pair of src
and sink pads for control messages. The decoded data
that comes from rtpdec has no RTP dependency. It is in
the format expected by the codec that it decodes it.
Therefore, rtpdec must do codec specific processing of
data to take into account that different codecs are
stored differently in RTP.
A posible pipeline is:
udpcon name="data" udpcon name="control"
data.src!rtpdec.datasrc control.src!rtpdec.controlin
control.sink!rtpdec.controlout rtpdec name="rtpdec" !
mp3decode ! osssink
udpcon is an element (not yet written) that provides a
src and a sink pad to read and write to a socket.
There are two udpcon, one for reading the data socket
and another for reading and writting to the control
To handle variable types, the following would work
(the UDP part left out for clarity is identical to the
one above):
[udp] rtpdec ! spider ! osssink
rtpdec has a property that tells it the mapping of the
payload bits to mime type. This is necessary, because
that mapping is not fixed. It has to be obtained at
runtime through other mechanisms, such as a SDP file
obtained by http or rtsp.
A posible implementation of rtpdec is a bin that
contains two elements: a media independent _rtpparse
and a media dependent rtp-dec-mp3. Thus the pipeline
would be
udpsrc ! _rtpparse ! rtp-dec-mp3 ! mp3decode ! osssink
rtpdec bin
Another posible implementation is, that rtpdec opens a
plugin that contains the code to convert the codec
specific packets into the input that the normal
decoder for that codec expects.
Ronald said that this mechanism would be complicated
because it would require to duplicate the
functionality of the plugin loader. It shouldn't be
like that because it should use the normal plugin
loader. So I guess that there are another issues that
I do not know.
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