[gst-devel] splitup proposal

Thomas Vander Stichele thomas at apestaart.org
Mon Aug 2 04:22:09 CEST 2004

On Mon, 2004-08-02 at 12:56, Benjamin Otte wrote:
> On Mon, 2 Aug 2004, Thomas Vander Stichele wrote:
> > > Another criterium I'd like to add is "binaries distributable as LGPL".
> > > (This obviously includes "or more free".)
> >
> > Ok.  Why would you want this btw ?
> >
> So I'm able to say "You can use all plugins from this package in any of
> your apps, no matter what the license", whcih we currently cannot say for
> gst-plugins, because it contains random plugins that are GPL in the end
> and theoretically might not be used by non-GPL apps.

Hm, good point, have to think about that.  Of course at some stage we
will need better license checking in the core anyway.  Which I'm
guessing we as a company will need sooner rather than later :) I still
have to put online the answers of the FSF lawyers to some GStreamer
licensing questions.  After that I guess we can discuss how to implement

> > > Would it make sense to change the name from gstreamer-plugins to
> > > gstreamer-multimedia, gstreamer-codecs or similar? I thought about
> > > something that emphasizes that GStreamer is about streaming and the
> > > multimedia capabilities are part of those packages.
> >
> > That would indicate we'd put non-codec-stuff in yet another package ? I
> > wouldn't make it even more complicated just yet.  A simple 2x2 will be
> > the easiest to manage for now; we can still see how it pans out later
> > on.
> >
> I just thought about emphasizing that gst-plugins is not a
> general "plugins", but "multimedia plugins" or "audio/video plugins".
> There's no support for comedi style plugins or net emulator plugins in
> there. (I still need to get my uni to port their emulator to GStreamer,
> especially because they emulate video transmissions.)

Yeah, but there are still non-multimedia plugins in gst-plugins.  What
would you do with those in this scenario ?


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