[gst-devel] Re: Comparison: MAS, GStreamer, NMM

Marco Lohse mlohse at cs.uni-sb.de
Thu Aug 26 05:03:15 CEST 2004

Matthias Welwarsky wrote:

>This is sort of a minimum requirement. We should seek to make this possible 
>with whatever framework is available. Meaning: In KDE, we need an adaptor 
>that implements those few, generic use cases, using either MAS, NMM or 
>GStreamer, or <plug you favorite candidate here>. This shouldn't be too 
>difficult. I volunteer to work on the KDE::PlayObject stuff to make it more 
>generic and not expose details about the underlying framework any more, if 
>someone else steps up to write drivers for MAS, NMM and GStreamer.
I personally do agree with this approach, e.g. being independent of a 
particular multimedia framework is a great feature of amaroK. If this is 
the way KDE decides to go, I think we will try to help as much as possible.

Have fun, Marco.

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