[gst-devel] attaching a listener to autoplugging code

Quan Nguyen friday_morning at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 15 16:26:05 CET 2004

Can you elaborate on what you mean that I am not connecting to "error" signals?  I don't quite understand.  I used gst_parse_launch and attached an identity (listener) after a spider, and I got the following error when using Gstreamer 0.6.4:
CRITICAL **: file gstsearchfuncs.c: line 332 (gst_autoplug_sp): assertion `sinkcaps != NULL' failed

When I used the exact same code in Gstreamer 0.7.3, it worked.  I would like to know how to make it to work in 0.6.4.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  
Here's a code snippet:
pipeline = gst_parse_launch ("filesrc name=my_filesrc ! spider ! identity name=listener ! osssink", &error);

filesrc = gst_bin_get_by_name (GST_BIN (pipeline), "my_filesrc");
g_object_set (G_OBJECT (filesrc), "location", "./sample.mp3", NULL);
listener = gst_bin_get_by_name (GST_BIN (pipeline), "listener");
g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (listener), "handoff",
      G_CALLBACK (cb_manipulate), this);

Ronald Bultje <rbultje at ronald.bitfreak.net> wrote:
Hi Quan,

On Mon, 2004-01-12 at 19:53, Quan Nguyen wrote:
> Thanks. I tried it, but I get the following error when I use
> gst_parse_launch:

You're not connecting to 'error' signals and such...

> pipeline = gst_parse_launch ("filesrc name=my_filesrc ! spider !
> identity name=my_listnener ! osssink", &error);

You're not actually giving a file location.


Ronald Bultje 
Linux Video/Multimedia developer

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