[gst-devel] Debian package for gst-python 0.7.92

Chris AtLee chris at atlee.ca
Thu Jul 1 02:51:01 CEST 2004

On Wed, 2004-30-06 at 20:39 -0400, David I. Lehn wrote:
> I guess the orig source tarball renaming is due to debian python people
> wishes?  I've never understood why it matters.

I thought that was debian policy?  I would have preferred to keep the
original filename, but I wasn't sure how to indicate to dpkg-
buildpackage what that file was...

> Why the debian/gst-python* files?

Whoops, not sure why those stuck around...got generated as part of the
build process and didn't get cleaned up for some reason.

> Ahem, in debian/control s/Ruby/Python/ ;)  Also section should probably
> be python.
> Would it be ok if this packaging is done in the same place as other
> gstreamer related packages?  I'm trying to get space for an arch
> repository on alioth for this.  I'd like to have a Debian GStreamer Team
> that manages the core, plugins, ffmpeg, editor, and player packages in
> one spot.  It would be nice to have gst-python there too.  That was my
> plan long ago when I ITPed gst-python.  Anyone would be welcome to help
> out with the packaging there.

Makes sense to me...It also makes sense to put the debian/* files into
the gst-python cvs repo (I see there's an empty debian/ directory in cvs
right now), and then maintain the debian packages as native debian

> I started to make some changes to debian/rules.  For instance stealing
> this snippet from cdbs python-distutils.mk:
> $(patsubst %,binary-install/%,$(DEB_PACKAGES)) :: binary-install/%:
> 	dh_python -p$(cdbs_curpkg)
> Also using DEB_INSTALL_EXAMPLES and dropping the _DOCS part since the
> text versions of files it was installing are installed by default
> anyway.  My insane autogen-the-docs system builds the root README,
> AUTHORS, NEWS, etc for the tarball.  I also removed the .la files for
> the .so libs.  (I don't think they are needed?)

I'd like to see your new debian/rules, I managed to do the things you
describe, but there must be a better way to remove the .la files than
how I did it :)

> So, would you be interested in cooperating on alioth?  I'd be happy to
> upload these after a few changes are made.

Absolutely, just let me know what you'd like me to do.  I've made the
changes you described above and uploaded the packages to
http://atlee.ca/debian again.

Chris AtLee <chris at atlee.ca>
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