[gst-devel] caps nego

Benjamin Otte in7y118 at public.uni-hamburg.de
Thu Jul 15 10:47:13 CEST 2004

On Thu, 2004-07-15 at 16:22, Thomas Vander Stichele wrote:

> However, this is a very simple pipeline example that should be fairly
> trivial to fixate.  If our system can't negotiate it correctly, I'd say
> it's a flaw in our system.
It is fixated correctly. It's just not fixated ideally. The definition of
ideally however has been up for discussion for quite a long time.
The only thing we know right now is that the current mess doesn't fixate

On Thu, 15 Jul 2004, Wim Taymans wrote:

> - negotiation always goes from left to right, ie upstream elements
> initiate the negotiation right before they send the first data buffer.
Cyclic pipelines have no "left" or "right", so this approach has been
known to not work for quite some time now.

> - no automatic negotiation, it's not needed. If an element receives a
> buffer without having a required fixed property, it should fire a signal
> so that somebody can fixate the caps.
> - If an element does try_set_caps with some non fixed properties one can
> fire a signal to let the app fixate them, but it's an app issue.
That's how it works right now, though it's a clumsy way. You can easily
connect to all pads' fixate functions right now and have full control over
selecting your ideal format.

> - An element always has a default format it uses when there are multiple
> options. ie osssrc negotiates to a user specified default format, same
> for v4lsrc. This should eventually end up in a to-be-written profile
> system.
ossrc ! audioconvert ! osssink
Assume osssrc supports S16 and U8, osssink only support U8. Since the
preferred format for osssrc is S16, it would negotiate to S16, which would
make audioconvert require a transformation, while with U8 it wouldn't have
So your approach seems suboptimal to me, too.

> - no negotiation is needed in the state changes, only at runtime. our
> previous system tried to do automatic negotiation when the intersection
> between the pads was fixed. This is too complicated and too fragile.
> Better make the element set the caps explicitly. It's a few lines of
> code, it's readable and we can all easily debug it when it fails.
Might be an interesting idea for 0.9, but won't probably work right now,
since we're API/ABI compatible.

> I'm figuring out if we can adjust the current system to a more sane
> behaviour or if we should redo caps nego (again). We really need to fix
> this asap, I'm thinking in like 2-3 weeks. If anyone is objecting, speak
> now :)
If you supply us with a fully working system in two weeks, that has no
issues, is ABI compatible, solves the above mentioned problems and
optionally ensures world peace, feel free to propose it :)


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