[gst-devel] Status of the Windows port...

Marco Iannaccone marciann at email.it
Wed Jul 21 07:10:11 CEST 2004

Steve Lhomme wrote:

> Marco Iannaccone a écrit :
>> Thomas Vander Stichele wrote:
>> Did someone prepare a binary version of the libs I can use under 
>> Windows?
> There is one here but it's not up to date :
> http://mukoli.free.fr/gstreamer/
> But that should be a good starting point with the current CVS.

I didn't actually understand what kind of files these are.

Let's say I wanna use mingw32 under Windows, what should I download, and 
how should I use it for developing GStreamer programs under Windows?


Marco Iannaccone
marciann at email.it
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