[gst-devel] Re: Caching sounds with GStreamer [WAS: Re: Proposal: replacing esound with polypaudio in 2.10]

Maciej Katafiasz mnews22 at wp.pl
Tue Nov 2 00:16:50 CET 2004

Dnia 30-10-2004, sob o godzinie 00:02 +0100, Iain * napisał:
> > this sounds very nice, and also trivial to implement with almost no
> > changes to API (besides adding "can-cache", and probably also "should-
> > cache" props)
> I was subtly convinced that a GstCacheInterface was a better method
> that just adding it to the sinks. Each sink which can cache would
> implement the interface.

Yes, that's basically what I meant by last sentence of my mail, like
"all the hackery is probably pointless and GstAudioCache is only thing
that's needed"


"Tautologizm to coś tautologicznego"
   Maciej Katafiasz <mnews2 at wp.pl>

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