[gst-devel] Threads in 0.8.10

Ronald S. Bultje rbultje at ronald.bitfreak.net
Mon Jul 4 08:41:21 CEST 2005


On Mon, 2005-07-04 at 16:15, MDK wrote:
> +Thread_1-------------+     +Thread_2---------------------+
> |                     |     |                             |
> |                     |     | +Queue------+ +AlsaSink--+  |
> |                [asrc] --- | [sink]  [src]-[sink]     |  |
> |                     |     | +-----------+ +----------+  |
> |                     |     +-----------------------------+
> | (Avi file bin with  |
> |  a loopfunc that    |     +Thread_3---------------------+
> |  pushes on asrc &   |     |                             |
> |  vsrc)              |     | +Queue------+ +XvImagesink+ |
> |                [vsrc] --- | [sink]  [src]-[sink]      | |
> |                     |     | +-----------+ +-----------+ |
> +---------------------+     +-----------------------------+
> Now, I already smoked 2 packs of ciggarettes today trying to figure out
> what's the right way to stop/start this pipeline. 

Don't smoke, it's bad for you. :). Also, make thread2/3 be a child in
thread1, and set state on thread1. That's what playbin does, it appears
to work fine.


Ronald S. Bultje <rbultje at ronald.bitfreak.net>

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