[gst-devel] Re: MingW conflict, was : DirectX sinks for Windows status
Christian HJ Wiesner
chris at matroska.org
Sun Jul 31 06:41:17 CEST 2005
Hi Michal,
some more tests with your latest binaries from 25/07/2005 :
1. During running gst-register.bat it will complain about a missing
2. I can open the Ixion.exe now, and the player will start fine, no need
to use Ixion.bat anymore
3. I still cant open any files, not even simple WAV audio files
Here my questions to you :
a. Can you implement the basic gstreamer audio and video tests into the
GUI ? Again, if i copy all the libs into the player main router i can
start audio and the first of the two video tests ( but only the first )
you named me the command line. I believe these 3 basic tests should be
callable from the GUI for the normal user, they cant mess with CLI.
b. As soon as we do have the exe working here on all my PCs, i liked to
create an opensource project on our OSS platform CORECODEC on
http://www.corecodec.org , and announce the alpha player on our
homepage. I still believe gstreamer could be a basis for TCMP 6, and
ixion could become the start of it all. This way you had no bandwidth
problems as we would distribute all the binareies.
What do you think ?
Michal Benes schrieb:
>>1) when you move the window, the video overlay remains at the original
>>position anyway
> I know about this issue. In fact, my Windows does not get the "changed
>position" or resized event. May be I have forgot some parameter when
>initializing it or I have handled some previous events wrong. Does
>somebody who knows the Windows API have any clue?
>>2) crashes after a few minutes
> Yes my windows build is very very unstable. I will look into it. I not
>sure it is in the sinks, it seems to me there are some problems also in
>other plugins.
>>As for the audiosink, it works with sinesrc fine but not so well with
>>other audio. I played an mp3 and it plays too fast and has some
>>popping in it. Maybe your clock timing is wrong.
> Yes, I have the problem with popping too. As for too fast audio
>playback, I have seen this issue when the audio file had unsupported
>audiorate, but I have raised the limit to 100000 what should be enough
>(or not?)
>>gst-launch.bat filesrc "location=E:/video.vob" ! decodebin "name=d" {
>>d. ! ffmpegcolorspace ! videoscale ! ddrawsink } { d. ! audioconvert !
>>dsoundsink }
> You must add queue element between threads. The correct command is
>gst-launch.bat filesrc "location=E:/video.vob" ! decodebin
>"name=d" { d. ! queue ! ffmpegcolorspace ! videoscale ! ddrawsink }
>{ d. ! queue ! audioconvert ! dsoundsink }
>>Another issue, which may be an internal bug is when I try to decode
>>the mp2 audio in the vobwith the following:
>>gst-launch-0.8.exe filesrc "location=E:/Video.vob" ! decodebin !
>>audioconvert ! dsoundsink
>>RUNNING pipeline ...
>>ERROR: from element /pipeline0/decodebin0/ffdec_mp30: Internal
>>GStreamer error: pad problem. File a bug.
>>Additional debug info:
>>gstpad.c(2562): gst_pad_set_explicit_caps:
>>/pipeline0/decodebin0/ffdec_mp30: failed to negotiate (try_set_caps
>>with "audio/x-raw-int, rate=(int)48000, channels=(int)2,
>>signed=(boolean)true, endianness=(int)1234, width=(int)16,
>>depth=(int)16" returned REFUSED)
>>ERROR: from element /pipeline0/decodebin0/ffdec_mp30: Internal
>>GStreamer error: negotiation problem. File a bug.
>>Additional debug info:
>>gstffmpegdec.c(643): gst_ffmpegdec_negotiate:
>>/pipeline0/decodebin0/ffdec_mp30: Failed to link ffmpeg decoder (mp3)
>>to next element
>>Execution ended after 25 iterations (sum 359375000 ns, average
>>14375000 ns, min 0 ns, max 281250000 ns).
>I will try to test test some .vob files. My be I have shipped the old
>version of dsoundsink which supports frequency only up to 41000Hz. (I
>have some other work now but I will look into it this afternoon). You
>can also try to add audioscale element before dsoundsink
>>As for Ixion...It doesn't work for me. It just freezes when loading any video.
>On no, this is bad. i do not have an idea in the moment :(
> Michal
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