[gst-devel] issue on gstreamer control
rong wang
rhong_wang at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 4 18:20:01 CET 2005
It is much clear now.
Still one question here?
Do you really mean GstMixer *mixer = GST_MIXER
(sink); ?
or, instead of sink, it should be ossmixer.
I looked at the source, I didn't see osssink has
any mixer interface.
Please correct me, thanks
--- "Ronald S. Bultje" <rbultje at ronald.bitfreak.net>
> [please CC the list]
> On Fri, 2005-11-04 at 14:52 -0800, rong wang wrote:
> > I go over the osssink myself. I cannot find the
> > properties that I can set volume level, I only see
> > mute, sync etc in gst-plugins-0.8.11.
> It's not a property; it's an interface!
> GstElement *sink = ..;
> GstMixer *mixer = GST_MIXER (sink);
> GList *channels = gst_mixer_get_channel_list
> (mixer), *item;
> for (item = channels; item != NULL; item =
> item->next) {
> GstMixerChannel *c = item->data;
> //.. etc
> }
> There's some example code in the gst-sandbox, or
> look at
> gnome-volume-control in gnome-media (gnome cvs).
> cheers,
> Ronald
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