[gst-devel] ABI/API stability and gst-plugins-bad (was: Re: [gst-cvs] tpm gst-plugins-bad: gst-plugins-bad/ gst-plugins-bad/ext/neon/)
Christian Fredrik Kalager Schaller
uraeus at linuxrising.org
Fri Apr 7 04:57:02 CEST 2006
I disagree, the reason we have bad and make releases of it is because
we need a place to develop plugins and at the same time get some basic
testing of them. 'Top secret' CVS only setups tend to not get any
testing and as such is of lesser value for the time when we eventually
would want these plugins moved to -good or -ugly.
I agree that we should add a line to the release notes stating that
these plugins in addition to the other problems listed, might have their
API's adjusted etc., although the horrors ascribed them in the current
notes do make such a thing implicit I think.
On Fri, 2006-04-07 at 12:23 +0100, Tim Müller wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-04-07 at 12:46 +0200, Andy Wingo wrote:
> > My feeling is that no stability guarantees should apply to -bad. When it
> > doesn't cost much, like this change, there's no problem, but
> > back-compatibility in a module of unsupported code is not worth the
> > maintainance burden.
> >
> > IMO anyway.
> My feeling is that all modules we make releases of should adhere to our
> stability rules.
> Plugins that aren't ready for that yet should either live in -bad CVS
> without being disted or be disabled by default or live in gst-sandbox
> until they're ready.
> IMHO anyway :)
> If people feel that should be changed, that's fine with me, but then we
> need to make sure this is widely known, and by that I mean more than a
> footnote buried somewhere in one of the many READMEs. In any case we
> should try not to break API/ABI for purely aesthetic reasons.
> Cheers
> -Tim
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