[gst-devel] sdlaudiosink / sdlvideosink patch
Andrew Andkjar
enki at goodship.net
Fri Aug 18 20:22:03 CEST 2006
Hi All,
While developing an application that uses SDL itself *and*
sdlaudiosink (from gst-plugins-bad) I noticed (when my application
mysteriously crashed after destroying the pipeline) that sdlaudiosink
calls SDL_Quit() when the plugin is shutting down... The audio sink
only initialializes the SDL audio sub-system, so it seems
inappropriate for it to shut down *all* SDL sub-systems. The same
principle applies to sdlvideosink as well.
From SDL documentation:
"SDL_Quit shuts down all SDL subsystems and frees the resources
allocated to them."
"SDL_QuitSubSystem allows you to shut down a subsystem that has been
previously initialized by SDL_Init or SDL_InitSubSystem . The
flags tells SDL_QuitSubSystem which subsystems to shut down, it
uses the same values that are passed to SDL_Init ."
A trivial patch is attached that modifies sdlaudiosink and
sdlvideosink to call SDL_QuitSubSystem instead of SDL_Quit.
Hope this is useful,
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