[gst-devel] rtsp / real

Thomas Vander Stichele thomas at apestaart.org
Mon Jul 24 13:16:09 CEST 2006


> I now get 4 pads:
> - rtpdepay0.srcrtcp: no caps

Interesting - we have nothing for rtcp, and not sure if it would make
sense as a plugin.

> - rtpdepay0.srcrtp: application/x-rtp, media=(string)video,
> payload=(int)101
> - rtpdepay1.srcrtcp: no caps
> - rtpdepay1.srcrtp: application/x-rtp, media=(string)audio,
> payload=(int)101

This looks wrong - an rtsp stream cannot use the same custom (above 96)
payload for different media types afaik.

> Can someone tell me what elements I need to connect those pads to?

Well, we have rtp payload decoders, so that's what you'd connect to
them.  However, you will need additional data to do so, like the mime
type from the sdp file or however you got a media description.

Taking a look at the farsight stuff is probably a good idea, maybe their
rtpbin would work better as a model for you to use.


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