[gst-devel] GStreamer's RTSP is correctly work?
sunlee at cclab.kw.ac.kr
Tue May 30 01:29:02 CEST 2006
I have been test th GStreamer's streaming feature by using the Totem player.
But, GStreamer's RTSP is not work.
Reported error msg is follows..
Internal GStreamer Error: Negotiation Problem.
I use the GStreamer framework with version 0.10.6.
If you know a solution, plz let me know that.
이 선 헌
광운대학교 전자통신공학과
컴퓨터 통신 연구실
Sunhun Lee
Computer Communications Laboratory
School of Electronics Engineering
Kwangwoon University
447-1 Wolgye-dong Nowon-gu Seoul 139-701, Korea
E-Mail: sunlee at cclab.kw.ac.kr
TEL: +82-2-940-5134
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