[gst-devel] (no subject)
Josh Coalson
xflac at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 20 02:09:37 CEST 2006
(cc'ing other package maintainers)
hi devs, attached are patches to gstreamer-plugins-good to make
the flac plugins work with both the upcoming FLAC 1.1.3 release
and previous versions. a beta of FLAC 1.1.3 is available here:
there are 2 patches, one for 0.10.4 and one for CVS HEAD as of
let me know if you have any questions or problems...
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Name: gst-plugins-good-0.10.4+flac-1.1.3.patch.gz
Type: application/x-gzip
Size: 5814 bytes
Desc: 3435034459-gst-plugins-good-0.10.4+flac-1.1.3.patch.gz
URL: <http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/gstreamer-devel/attachments/20061019/69a91c77/attachment.bin>
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Name: gst-plugins-good-CVS-2006-10-18+flac-1.1.3.patch.gz
Type: application/x-gzip
Size: 5783 bytes
Desc: 3367268624-gst-plugins-good-CVS-2006-10-18+flac-1.1.3.patch.gz
URL: <http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/gstreamer-devel/attachments/20061019/69a91c77/attachment-0001.bin>
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