[gst-devel] bugs on dvb-element/ts-tools

Volter Yen volter619 at 163.com
Thu Aug 30 02:59:47 CEST 2007

Hi,  Dose it meant that I must use the gstreamer with version 0.8.x to be compatible with the dvb-element ? or maybe there is other better way to implement the gstreamer architecture dvb elements. I want to know the usable element in the dvb fields at present,please guide me with some advices ,thanks  a lot!Volter   
在2007-08-30,"Stefan Kost" <ensonic at hora-obscura.de> 写道:
Hi, I don't think there is any recent devlopement in there. Please also not that is has submodules that have their own autogen.sh. Stefan
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