[gst-devel] pad_probe question

Edward Averill edaverill at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 8 22:10:29 CEST 2007

Ok, I'm terminally frustrated.I have an element that's trying to play nice with decodebin (yes, I posted a similar question before, but I have more details now).  The element is a demuxer.. typefind works, the element loads, I parse the input file and then generate a NEWSEGMENT event to push out.  Immediately on sending the NEWSEGMENT I see:decodebin gstdecodebin.c:664:pad_probe:<d> Pad probe on pad <mydecoder0:src> but pad <mydecoder0:src> still needs data.The command line is:gst-launch filesrc location=/mytestfiles/test001.vid ! decodebin name=d d. ! myoverlaysinkThe pipeline proceeds to play, I don't see any error messages or warnings anywhere, yet the playback is garbled.Not using decodebin and specifying the pipeline explicitly, thus, works without garbled playback:gst-launch filesrc location=/mytestfiles/test001.vid ! mydemux name=q q. ! queue ! mydecoder ! myoverlaysink q. ! myaudiosinkDoes this possibly have something to do with the MIME type I'm returning from my demuxers typefind function?  I notice that qtdemux does NOT have a typefind, so past this point it's kind of useless as a template.All assistance appreciated before I tear out what's left of my hair...ed..
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