[gst-devel] rtspsrc demo transmition problem, need help

聂巍 kanzakiv at gmail.com
Thu May 10 09:48:07 CEST 2007

Hi all

I am writing a demo to act as the following command line

gst-launch rtspsrc location = " rtsp://" ! queue !

but when I compiled and ran the following helloworld.c

[root at localhost / ] # helloworld rtsp://

it says

ERROR: from element /pipeline/rtp_disk_source/udpsrc2: Internal data flow
Additional debug info:
gstbasesrc.c(1614): gst_base_src_loop (): /pipeline/rtp_disk_source/udpsrc2:
streaming task paused, reason not-linked (-1)


the gst-launch command line works just fine, but I don't know why the demo
can't do it

does anybody know this ?

thank you very much


//  helloworld.c

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <gst/gst.h>

static void
event_loop (GstElement * pipe)
  GstBus *bus;
  GstMessage *message = NULL;

  bus = gst_element_get_bus (GST_ELEMENT (pipe));

  while (TRUE) {
    message = gst_bus_poll (bus, GST_MESSAGE_ANY, -1);

    g_assert (message != NULL);

    switch (message->type) {
      case GST_MESSAGE_EOS:
        gst_message_unref (message);
      case GST_MESSAGE_ERROR:{
        GError *gerror;
        gchar *debug;

        gst_message_parse_error (message, &gerror, &debug);
        gst_object_default_error (GST_MESSAGE_SRC (message), gerror, debug);
        gst_message_unref (message);
        g_error_free (gerror);
        g_free (debug);
        gst_message_unref (message);

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  GstElement *bin, *filesrc , *fakesink, *queue;

  gst_init (&argc, &argv);

  if (argc != 2) {
    g_print ("usage: %s <rtsp mp3 file>\n", argv[0]);
    exit (-1);

  /* create a new bin to hold the elements */
  bin = gst_pipeline_new ("pipeline");
  g_assert (bin);

  /* create a disk reader */
  filesrc = gst_element_factory_make ("rtspsrc", "rtp_disk_source");
        printf("could not create \"rtspsrc\" element!");
        return -1;
  g_object_set (G_OBJECT (filesrc), "location", argv[1] , NULL);
  printf("argv[1] is %s\n",argv[1]);

  /* and an audio sink */
  fakesink = gst_element_factory_make ("fakesink","fake_sink");

  queue = gst_element_factory_make ("queue","queue");

  /* add objects to the main pipeline */
  gst_bin_add_many (GST_BIN (bin),filesrc, queue, fakesink,NULL);

  /* link the elements */
  gst_element_link_many (filesrc, queue, fakesink,NULL);

  /* start playing */
  gst_element_set_state (bin, GST_STATE_PLAYING);

  /* Run event loop listening for bus messages until EOS or ERROR */
  event_loop (bin);

  /* stop the bin */
  gst_element_set_state (bin, GST_STATE_NULL);

  exit (0);

ERROR: from element /pipeline/rtp_disk_source/udpsrc2: Internal data flow
Additional debug info:
gstbasesrc.c(1614): gst_base_src_loop (): /pipeline/rtp_disk_source/udpsrc2:
streaming task paused, reason not-linked (-1)
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