[gst-devel] problems when playing video files with

Joyious He joyious at 163.com
Mon Oct 22 05:56:15 CEST 2007

 Hi all,
Now I'm going to test the video display on my target arm borad.it use the directfb as the display layer.and I got problems below:
1:The videotestsrc work well for that dfb-example,but when i just get the command line "gst-launch -v videotestsrc ! dfbvideosink", it threw out some err msg: "format can not negotiate".
2:Then I put the videotestsrc away, try to play some AVI files.but when I try the application or the command line like : " gst-launch -v filesrc location=/convert.avi ! avidemux name=demux demux.video_00 ! queue ! decodebin ! ffmpegcolorspace ! videoscale ! dfbvideosink". Iwas told the pipeline was pause. I check the debug message.I got the reason:
"0:00:01.613967000 [332m 1633[00m 0x1af80 [32;01mINFO [00m [00;01;34m GST_EVENT gstpad.c:4242:gst_pad_send_event:<mpeg2dec0:sink>[00m Received event on flushing pad. Discarding
0:00:01.614717000 [332m 1633[00m 0x1af80 [32;01mINFO [00m [00;01;34m GST_EVENT gstpad.c:4242:gst_pad_send_event:<mpeg2dec0:sink>[00m Received event on flushing pad. Discarding
0:00:01.616135000 [332m 1633[00m 0x1af80 [32;01mINFO [00m [00;01;34m GST_EVENT gstpad.c:4242:gst_pad_send_event:<mpeg2dec0:sink>[00m Received event on flushing pad. Discarding
0:00:01.617260000 [332m 1633[00m 0x1af80 [33;01mWARN [00m [00m avidemux gstavidemux.c:3548:gst_avi_demux_loop:[00m stream_movi flow: wrong-state / ok"
3:I also tried another way. I convert a AVI file into a raw data as a temp file, and use filesrc and dfbvideo sink to play :"gst-launch -v filesrc location=/convert2 blocksize=65536 ! dfbvideosink". Some thing is coming out, but its not the correct video.I think it's probably the frame format mismatching. the temp file is using YV12(I convert it using mplayer and its default value is YUV YV12) and my directfb is using RGB32. So how can i specify the caps convert, changing the format of mplayer default or specify it in the gstreamer commad line? I tried the ffmpegcolorspace like "gst-launch -v filesrc location=/convert2 blocksize=65536 ! ffmpegcolorspace ! dfbvideosink" and I was told the format can not negotiated.
Could you all give me any ideas about all the problems above ?
Thanks very much.
Best Regard
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