[gst-devel] Google Summer of Code

Andoni Morales ylatuya at gmail.com
Mon Apr 7 16:43:58 CEST 2008

2008/4/2, Sebastian Dröge <slomo at circular-chaos.org>:
> On Mi, 2008-04-02 at 18:03 +0100, Bastien Nocera wrote:
> > On Wed, 2008-04-02 at 18:42 +0200, Andoni Morales Alastruey wrote:
> > > Hi!
> > >
> > > I'd like to participate on the GSOC developing a multilingual
> > > embeddable multimedia player to give GTK multimedia application's
> > > developpers an easy solution on multimedia player support.
> > >
> > > The idea is to create a GtkWidget with an embedded gstreamer
> multimedia
> > > player, based on the code of Totem, with bindings for the more commons
> > > used languages to avoid programmers leading with the gstreamer code.
> > > When requiring the use of a multimedia player on an program, the
> > > developer must deal with the gstreamer libraries, this way he will
> just
> > > have to deal with the GtkWidget embedding the player(e.g. the
> IGSTPlayer
> > > interface).
> >
> > I've already mentioned to Sebastian that this would be a bad idea. The
> > current widget never got API review, the APIs are very ad-hoc and some
> > still based on what xine-lib can do, rather than what a GTK+-ish API
> > should do.
> Right, and you convinced me :)
> What we need is a widget that is not based on totem's ;) We need
> something with a sane and clean API... which still has to be defined.
> If you want to work on that, great, we really need something like
> that :) But I don't think one can design a good API for that without
> having much experience with GStreamer and GTK.

I' ve been programming Gtk  User Interfaces for one year and I'm very
familirar with Gtk libs. Also, for 6 months I've been programming a
multimedia player using Gstreamer for my Degree tesis project with metadata
support, visualisation support(goom), multichanel audio support, subtitles
support,snapshot support,etc..I think I can have a good multimedia player in
2 months as i have already made a good progress, i'll need one more week for
the GUI design and one more month for  developing the wrappers for at least
4 programming languages (java,c#,phyton and c++) witch will be in the GSOC
deadlines. I'm very motivated on this project and with your help I hope i'll
made a good work.I'm not talking about writting the definitive gstreamer
multimedia, as i'm not a GStreamer guru, but it will be a good start for a
project that will promote the use of GStreamer on multimedia applications..

Regards Andoni
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