[gst-devel] gstreamer opengl multiplatform

Julien Isorce julien.isorce at gmail.com
Sat Apr 12 04:21:25 CEST 2008


Link : http://vulvteam.free.fr/gstreamer/gstreamer_opengl.zip is a zip file
(5 MO) that contains 4 avi example file.
The videos show capabilities of the plugin I am working on.

It uses freeglut API but it could use an other glut-like multiplatform
toolkit. The mecanism should be the same. I'ill make the plugin able to use
any of them.
Some work has to be done before sharing the code.

I could say more about the plugin capabilities but examples are explicits.
And I do not want overload this email.
I am waiting remarks, requirements, advises etc ...

Julien I.

ps: Thanks to C.C. for a lot of discusions and advises.
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