[gst-devel] Fwd: Video processing
Olivier Aubert
olivier.aubert at liris.cnrs.fr
Wed Aug 27 10:35:21 CEST 2008
Hi all
> Could you be a little more precise please ?
> How do I modify the buffer ? How do I draw it on the screen after ?
> should I still declare my screen widget from appdata struct as a
> drawing area ?
FYI, I am planning (do not know exactly when) to develop a svgoverlay
plugin, which would allow to overlay a SVG content over a buffer, for
the same kind of usage (drawing shapes over the video). I have already
developped such a filter for vlc, and the structure of gstreamer should
make it easy.
I have also tried another way (using videomixer and feeding it the
output of gdkpixbufdec (which can decode SVG), but I did not manage
(yet) to make it work. I have tried variations around the following
videotestsrc ! video/x-raw-yuv,width=320, height=240 ! videomixer
name=mix ! ffmpegcolorspace ! xvimagesink filesrc location=/tmp/a.svg !
gdkpixbufdec ! videoscale ! video/x-raw-rgb,width=320,height=240 !
ffmpegcolorspace ! alpha alpha=0.5 ! mix.
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