[gst-devel] timestamp and gstrtph264pay.c
arnabsamanta at tataelxsi.co.in
Fri Dec 5 12:18:28 CET 2008
Hi Eric Zhang,
Thanks a lot for your response.
Yes thats the place where timestamp is getting modified.
The function is defined in
gst-plugins-base/gst-libs/gst/rtp/gstbasertppayload.c .
-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Zhang [mailto:nicolas.m.zhang at gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2008 7:43 AM
To: arnabsamanta at tataelxsi.co.in; Discussion of the development of
Subject: Re: [gst-devel] timestamp and gstrtph264pay.c
Hi, gstreamer-devel:
Seems "gst_basertppayload_push" assigned timestamp to the GstBuffer.
Check this function, arnabsamanta?
Eric Zhang
2008/12/2 arnabsamanta <arnabsamanta at tataelxsi.co.in>
Hi ,
I Am using the rtph264pay plugin in gst-plugins-good-0.10.11.
I am unable to understand the timestamp logic in it.
to my understandings and observations,
we are extracting the timestamp value from the incoming
buffer in "
gst_rtp_h264_pay_handle_buffer" function
and this value is passed to the
"gst_rtp_h264_pay_payload_nal" function as
an argument and further assigned to the outgoing buffer
pointer "outbuf".
before doing the " gst_basertppayload_push " of the
"outbuf " , we are
calling "gst_rtp_buffer_get_payload " defined in the
gstrtpbuffer.c .
when i printed the value of the timestamp of the incoming
buffer , it was
found to be -1.
Any where in the code flow , am unable to track the
portion where the
timestamp change is done.
Can anybody kindly help me to point out the part i might have
overlooked ?
and thanks for spending your valuable time to read this long mail
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