[gst-devel] TI OMAP DSP support
Stefan Kost
ensonic at hora-obscura.de
Wed Jan 16 21:28:12 CET 2008
g schrieb:
> --- Felipe Contreras <felipe.contreras at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> There is different DSP stuff coming from TI. For
>> OMAP they provide
>> OpenMAX IL wrappers for their DSP codecs, which in
>> turn can be used in
>> GStreamer with gst-openmax.
> In the following article TI says they have a plug-in
> for GStreamer:
> gstreamer-devel at lists.sourceforge.net
>> They'll have to support OpenMAX IL.
> So if I understand what you are saying, it is that
> Gstreamer currently does not have any OMAP DSP
> accelerated video decode capability. That would have
> to be supported by a specific codec and that codec
> would have to be available as a plug-in to GStreamer.
> That's what I would expect. I couldn't imagine how one
> GStreamer plug-in could provide video decompression
> acceleration for another plug-in and yet that's what
> the above article seems to state.
> However, the Nokia N800 and N810 must surely have a
> media player that uses the acceleration capability of
> the OMAP 2420 chip.
the video decoding for OS2008 (N8x0) uses arm codecs. The voip codecs currently
run on th dsp (together with the rest of the audio subsystem).
> Regards
> Graham
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