[gst-devel] Error playing video streams
Thomas Winkler
wi-tom at gmx.de
Tue Jul 1 16:17:48 CEST 2008
Did you tried to launch that pipeline outside of an x-forwarded shell?
For example - if you try to start that pipeline in a console outside of x-server-session you can't use xvimagesink als renderer. So you have to use directfb instead.
But if you started your pipeline in a x-forwarded shell (like in gnome for example) - the xvimagesink should be accessable.
You have also possibility to switch to debug-levels.
You can specify an Environment variable GST_DEBUG or you use in your pipeline the parameter --gst-debug-level for more output information.
For example:
gst-launch -v playbin uri=file:///root/test.flv --gst-debug-level=3
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Tue, 1 Jul 2008 10:07:06 -0400
> Von: "Görkem Çetin" <gorkem.cetin at gmail.com>
> An: gstreamer-devel at lists.sourceforge.net
> Betreff: [gst-devel] Error playing video streams
> Hi
> I'm new to Gstreamer, trying to find out how it works. As I try to play a
> media file, I consistently get errors. Here's what I enter in the command
> line:
> gst-launch -v playbin uri=file:///root/test.flv
> And the corresponding error is like that:
> Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
> /playbin0/decodebin0/typefind.src: caps = video/x-flv
> Pipeline is PREROLLING ...
> /playbin0/selector_audio_src1: active-pad = "sink0"
> /playbin0/selector_video_src0: active-pad = "sink0"
> ERROR: from element /playbin0/vbin/videosink: Could not initialize
> supporting library.
> Additional debug info:
> gstautovideosink.c(234): gst_auto_video_sink_detect ():
> /playbin0/vbin/videosink:
> Failed to find a supported video sink
> ERROR: pipeline doesn't want to preroll.
> Setting pipeline to NULL ...
> /playbin0/decodebin0/ffdemux_flv0.audio_00: caps = NULL
> /playbin0/decodebin0/ffdemux_flv0.video_00: caps = NULL
> /playbin0/decodebin0/typefind.src: caps = NULL
> FREEING pipeline ...
> I get the same error as I test with other AVI or MPEG files - not only
> FLV.
> My system is:
> - Ubuntu 7.04
> - Updated ffmpeg libraries
> - Gstreamer-0.10 files (gstreamer-tools, gstreamer0.10-plugins-good,
> gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly, gstreamer0.10-alsa, gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg,
> gstreamer0.10-tools, gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad,
> libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-0, libgstreamer0.10-0)
> What am I doing wrong here? Is there a way to trace how and why Gstreamer
> behaves ill and cannot find the codecs it finds?
> Best
> Görkem
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