[gst-devel] rtsp is broken
Farkas Levente
lfarkas at lfarkas.org
Wed Jun 11 16:19:05 CEST 2008
Wim Taymans wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-06-11 at 15:32 +0200, Farkas Levente wrote:
>> hi,
>> we now test 6 different ip camera which support rtsp with similar
>> command line:
>> gst-launch playbin uri=rtsp://
>> unfortunately only one working with all other crash with different
>> errors. the biggest problem is that's not the cameras fault or at least
>> all camera's rtsp works with vlc and mplayer. so only gstreamer fails:-(
>> is there any way how can find the reason of these problems? is there any
>> plan to fix rtsp support in gstreamer?
> It works for me. when you make a bugzilla report with a backtrace of a
> crash, debug logs and the output of:
> gst-launch rtspsrc debug=1 location=rtsp://..
> we will be able to fix any other issues you might have.
ok. my first question:
- what is the recommended command line to test rtsp? in vlc and mplayer
it's simple the url. in gstreamer we use eg:
gst-launch playbin uri=rtsp://
- in the attached example we use these commands:
gst-launch rtspsrc debug=1 location=rtsp:// !
decodebin ! queue ! xvimagesink &>good.txt
gst-launch rtspsrc debug=1 location=rtsp:// !
decodebin ! queue ! xvimagesink &>bad.txt
gst-launch rtspsrc debug=1 location=rtsp://admin:admin@ !
decodebin ! queue ! xvimagesink &>ugly.txt
anc ctrl-c to stop. the good working the last two case (bad, ugly),
there was not any xv window at all so we just hit ctrl-c after about 1
all of the above url working with vlc and mplayer from the same host.
what else can i do to get backtrace or other logs?
thank you for your help in advance.
Levente "Si vis pacem para bellum!"
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