[gst-devel] How to concatenate video files

Stefan v. Wachter svwa-dev at mnet-online.de
Fri May 2 17:13:16 CEST 2008

Hi all,

I am working on Windows XP building a gstreamer app for cutting and
merging mpeg4 files. It looks like gnlcomposition has the ability to
concatenate multiple input files, but I couldn't find binaries of the
GNonLin package for Windows.

I tried to add a new sink pad to the demux module:

GstPad* newSinkPad = gst_pad_new ("newSinkPad", GST_PAD_SINK);
GstCaps* newCaps = gst_caps_from_string ("video/quicktime");
if (! gst_pad_set_caps (newSinkPad, newCaps))
g_print ("gst_pad_set_caps failed\n");
if (! gst_element_add_pad (parser, newSinkPad))
g_print ("gst_element_add_pad(parser, newSinkPad) failed\n");

if (! gst_element_link (source2, parser))
g_print ("gst_element_link(source2, parser) failed\n");

and got the error message:

0:00:41.656250000 ←[333m 3872←[00m 00C32038 ←[33;01mWARN ←[00m ←[00;04m
default :0::<qt-demux>←[00m error: push on pad qt-demux:newSinkPad but it
has no chainfunction

Does anybody have a solution for this easy looking task?


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