[gst-devel] stopping decodebin before it decodes to raw video

Jon Burgess jkburges at gmail.com
Tue Nov 18 07:05:25 CET 2008


I am wanting to do something like the following, but haven't been able to
get it to work:

> gst-launch uridecodebin uri="rtsp://localhost:5554/test_small" ! queue !
decodebin ! video/x-h264 ! customsink

where uri could be an RTSP/RTP source as above, or perhaps say a quicktime
movie file on disk.  "customsink" is my own element, which takes
*encoded/compressed* data of some form (in this example, h264, but it could
also be mpeg4 part2 as an example) - i.e not raw RGB or YUV.

decodebin always seems to decode to raw RGB/YUV, is there a way to get it to
decode only to a certain caps? I have read the doco, but it is not clear to
me if this is possible.

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