[gst-devel] Regarding template source code generated

Jyoti D jyoti.d at allaboutif.com
Mon Nov 24 06:33:33 CET 2008

Hi All,

I am writing a simple plugin called "NewPlugin" in GStreamer using
gst-template. I am generating *.c and *.h files using the gst-template.
I give command "/tools/make_element". But my *.c file writes the Plugin name
string wrongly. For example the actual .h file name to be included is
"gstnewplugin.h" but it prepends extra string "new" and hence error
executing make command.

I would like to know is it a bug or are there any More specific rules for
Plugin Names.
One rule I learnt is the plugin name while generating it should start with a
Capital letter I have done that. Inspite of that I have the above problem.

I have ried many more Strings like MyNewPlugin, MyPlugin, etc. to generate
template files for plugin.

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