[gst-devel] Trouble playing a-Law encoded file over RTP/UDP

Philipp Leibfried Philipp.Leibfried at gmx.de
Tue Sep 2 09:54:42 CEST 2008

Hi again,

I have now 'repaired' my sender pipeline to look like this (the file I use actually is a WAV container).

gst-launch-0.10 filesrc location=/home/pl/Projects/gstSender/debug/src/2079.wav ! wavparse ! rtppcmapay max-ptime=20000000 ! udpsink host="localhost" port=4044

Wireshark tells me that there is no significant jitter on the RTP "stream" I'm sending (the jitter is 0.01 msec).

However, my receiver pipeline

gst-launch-0.10 udpsrc port=4044 ! rtppcmadepay ! audio/x-alaw, channels=1, rate=8000 ! alawdec ! alsasink 

still tells me there is a timestamp disontinuity. 

gstbaseaudiosink.c(1188): gst_base_audio_sink_render (): /pipeline0/alsasink0:
Unexpected discontinuity in audio timestamps of more than half a second (0:00:02.049250000), resyncing
WARNING: from element /pipeline0/alsasink0: Compensating for audio synchronisation problems

Forgive my ignorance, but is there something I still need to do on the receiver side? According to Wireshark, my timestamps are good, or is this a misunderstanding on my part?


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