[gst-devel] ffdec_aac cannot be auto plugged by decodebin2

Prajnashi S prajnashi at gmail.com
Tue Apr 28 04:24:49 CEST 2009

I'm writing glue layer to integrate gstreamer into android's media player
service. When using playbin and decodebin2 to create pipeline automatically,
I found ffdec_aac cannot be auto plugged. Then, I found in
"gst-plugins-base/gst/playback/gstfactory.c", it said only rank larger than
GST_RANK_MARGINAL can work. Unfortunately, ffdec_aac's rank is 0. Can anyone
tell me why? (performance/statability)

If it's a mistake, I will fix it and submit a patch.

/* the filter function for selecting the elements we can use in
 * autoplugging */
static gboolean
decoders_filter (GstElementFactory * factory)
  // ....

  /* only select elements with autoplugging rank */
  rank = gst_plugin_feature_get_rank (GST_PLUGIN_FEATURE (factory));
  if (rank < GST_RANK_MARGINAL)
  return FALSE;
  return TRUE;

-- Prajnashi S
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