[gst-devel] typefind's have-type signal

Murray Cumming murrayc at murrayc.com
Sun Aug 2 12:34:07 CEST 2009

The typefind element can detect the mime-type of a stream. This is
provided by its have-type signal:

That signal provides a caps parameter. By looking at existing code, I
found that the mime-type string is in caps.get_structure(0).get_name()
(forgive the pseudo code).

In my brief tests I have not found caps to ever have more than 1
GstStructure, and I have not found the GstStructure to ever have any
id/value fields.

So, should the have-type signal just provide a const gchar* mime-type
parameter, or should I sometimes expect other information in the caps?
If so, I'd like to document that in the API reference.

murrayc at murrayc.com

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