[gst-devel] who will call x264enc's _setcap function?

Michael Smith msmith at xiph.org
Thu Aug 20 20:45:55 CEST 2009

On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 5:35 AM, Chen, Weian<weian.chen at intel.com> wrote:
> Hi All
> Who will call the override function gst_x264_enc_sink_set_caps (GstPad *
> pad, GstCaps * caps) in gstx264enc? the gstreamer core? Then which func?

The core will call this when the caps get set on the peer pad (by the
upstream element).

> And if I want to add some codec_data into caps (above caps), where should I
> modify, suppose it should be modified in the upstream element such as
> v4l2src (we can take it as an example)?

Yes, in the upstream element. However, don't do this arbitrarily - for
your example, x264enc has as its input raw video. Raw video has well
defined caps, adding arbitrary other things to those caps would be a
bad idea.

You should explain, with _specific details_, what you want to do, so
that we can suggest a better approach for what you're trying to do.


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