[gst-devel] udpsink on win32
William Lee
william at breezecapsule.com
Thu Jul 30 10:00:15 CEST 2009
Hi all,
Has anyone successfully used udpsink and udpsrc on win32 using the GStreamer
I'm testing a simple pipeline
> gst-inspect-0.10.exe --gst-debug-level=3 videotestsrc ! udpsink port=5000
I'm see the following messages continuously being printed in the log
0:00:00.966000000 ←[335m 4240←[00m 01BA7008 ←[33;01mWARN ←[00m ←[00m
ltiudpsink gstmultiudpsink.c:416:gst_multiudpsink_render:<udpsink0>←[00m
01B616F8 gave error 0 (No error)
I have looked at the multiudpsink_render source code and printed the
following out:
0:00:00.965000000 ←[335m 4240←[00m 01BA7008 ←[33;01mWARN ←[00m ←[00m
ltiudpsink gstmultiudpsink.c:402:gst_multiudpsink_render:<udpsink0>←[00m
MSG_SIZE = 65527 and BUFFER SIZE = 153600
It seems that the SO_MAX_MSG_SIZE of the datagram socket is set to 65527
bytes but the buffer being sent is 153600 bytes, so the sendto() call failed
because the buffer exceeds the socket message size.
Does anyone have a workaround? Is there any way to control the buffer size
William Lee @ Breeze Capsule
Email: william at breezecapsule.com
Mobile: +44 7984 368 182
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