[gst-devel] Mozilla & gstreamer
Christopher Blizzard
blizzard at mozilla.com
Thu Jun 18 16:19:38 CEST 2009
Yeah, the relicensing question feels a _little_ early. David is
interested in some of this stuff for Thunderbird but there are parts
that we definitely want for Firefox as well. In particular the video
roadmap that I would like to see in place includes:
0. Improving the video APIs that we have in the browser so that we can
do frame-by-frame rendering and stepping. Also better control over
buffering and connecting clips together. This would allow us to build
effects in HTML, SVG + JS and is the first step to an online editor.
We can connect that to 1 below and do encoding + upload as well.
Michael can do this with firefogg today I think, but I want this built
into the browser as something anyone can do. (Note: this goes way
beyond the HTML5 stuff so we'll have to be willing to do that.)
1. An html-based camera + video capture API. This isn't just an add-
on like interface for JS people but also includes preview + style like
we have with the html5 video element. Think of it as a file upload on
steroids. An image interface is easy - just encode to jpg or png or
whatever, and upload it. Video is more challenging and where the
opportunity is. I would like to see us include capture for mac,
windows + linux, encode to Theora and upload via the file upload API
that we have today. This brings video production to browsers (like we
have text + image production today via blogs, etc.) but also continues
the path to make ogg, theora and vorbis part of the underlying
structure of the web.
2. Longer term (and I haven't been able to get much traction inside of
Mozilla for this besides "that would be nice") is to include some kind
of real time p2p protocol that's also exposed like the video element
is today - fully scriptable, styled, usable through canvas, etc. My
test for this is "install a wordpress plugin and you can talk to me
via that" instead of having to use gmail, skype or any of the other
huge centralized systems.
So that's where I want to see us go and it's a multi-year kind of
thing. Part of it is the need to allow people like Michael and others
to finish their editor projects, but I also want to see us get to the
point where where changing the way that video on the web is consumed
and produced that that free formats are at the center of that.
Licensing is only a small part of that but here's what I would suggest
we start with:
1. Assume that code for the capture can be shared between gstreamer +
Mozilla. If we can use the v4l2src module as a base to start with and
find everyone who has contributed to it and get it re-licensed that
would be awesome - it's a good base to start working together. But
assume that we'll do it without glib and without the gstreamer bits so
we'll need to make sure we're thinking about that. We can make sure
we're good citizens @ Mozilla about making sure that changes that we
do are exposed, but it's up to the gstreamer people to make sure that
the code that's in gstreamer is also tri-licensed and that
contributions to that code are also tri-licensed so we can use them in
Mozilla. (Right now the code contributions would only flow one-way -
something I would like to avoid.) I would assume that Mozilla will
invest here so you're likely to have access to some windows + mac
capture code at some point. If we plan to collaborate ahead of time
we can set some expectations about what that sharing looks like and
the licenses involved.
2. I talked with Christian about this at FOSDEM a little bit and it
sounds like they might be willing to re-license some of the RTP stuff
they have as well. That's entirely up to them and it's a really long
term project for us - and something that we're probably not willing to
fund quite yet (although I think we should.) I'm not sure what form
that should take. I think that trying to hit some kind of SIP-
compatibility is the wrong answer, especially to start. Huge set of
constraints and sets us down the path to compatibility with existing
systems instead of trying to do p2p video + audio chat like the web
would do it instead of the way that telcos and businesses would do
it. So that's something that needs to be well-scoped and understood.
Worth talking about at OVC anyway.
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