[gst-devel] GSoC proposal: Improving GStreamer on Windows and Mac

Andres Colubri andres.colubri at gmail.com
Thu Mar 26 09:58:25 CET 2009

Andoni Morales wrote:
>> A few comments:
>> don't include Mac in the headline, if you don't plan to cover it :)    
> Andrés is actually working on the Mac installer and it would be nice
> to include it in the GSoC project. The problem with macports and
> GStreamer is that some plugins depends on GTK, which adds an important
> overhead when you have to package everything. Our idea is to remove
> these plugins to reduce the size of the final package. 
I prepared a Mac installer using the latest portfiles from macports 
(with some dependencies removed, as Andoni mentioned above). The actual 
size of the installer is quite reasonable (45 Mb for the disk image 
file), and includes a quite large number of plugins (among gst-plugins 
good, bad, ugly and ffmpeg). Similarly to what we did with the windows 
installer, the mac installer encapsulates all the gst plugins modules 
into a single package.

With this installer I'm trying to follow the standard directory 
structure in OSX. However, I'm not very knowledgeable in this regard, so 
comments and suggestions for improvements are welcomed. The installer 
currently copies the gstreamer files into /System/Library/GStreamer, and 
within this folder you just have /bin, /lib, /include, 
/lib/gstreamer-0.1.0, etc., in other words exactly the same tree 
structure that macports creates by default inside /opt/local.

The installer also sets the environmental variables DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH 
and GST_PLUGIN_PATH to /System/Library/GStreamer/lib and 
/System/Library/GStreamer/lib/gstreamer-0.10, respectively. This is done 
in the post-installation stage, by adding the appropriate setenv lines 
to the system file /etc/launchd.conf (I followed the rationale explained 
in this article: http://www.digitaledgesw.com/node/31). But maybe this 
should be done differently.

For those interested in giving this installer a try, here is the link 
from where you can download it:

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