[gst-devel] Gstreamer bus and message

MailingList SVR lists at svrinformatica.it
Fri May 29 11:11:21 CEST 2009

Hi all,

I'm trying to build a gstreamer application all is fine until I try to get a message from the bus. I tested the sample python webcam viewer (http://pygstdocs.berlios.de/pygst-tutorial/webcam-viewer.html) and all is fine: when I start the viewer messages are sent to the bus and if I disconnect the camera an error message is sent to the bus, good,

so I added the following code to my own application (twisted based), this is a cut and paste from the webcam viewer app:

bus = self.pipeline.get_bus()


def on_message(self,bus,message):
		print 'new message'
		print t
		print type(t)

this time i can start and see the video but no message go to the bus neither when I start to see the video or disconnect the camera and no errors are given, maybe the gstreamer bus rely on gtk? Can I use the bus inside twisted?

What I missed?

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