[gst-devel] What happens to a bus, when a bin is inserted into another bin?

Stefan Kost ensonic at hora-obscura.de
Thu Apr 8 15:38:44 CEST 2010

wl2776 wrote:
> I am working on playing an audio stream from a separate file.
> My approach is to construct an instance of the playbin2, listen to the
> messages on its bus, analyze them and their sources, and decide if both
> audio and video streams are present.
> Then, if the audio stream is in the separate file, construct missing parts
> of the playbin2 - one more uridecodebin, playsink and connecting elements
> (audiotee, inputselector, etc) - and add them to the playbin2 instance.
> So, the question is. 
> The uridecodebin and the playsink are bins, therefore, they have their own
> buses.
> What should I do with these buses?
> Next stage will be clock, I'll deal with it later.
The application should only use the bus of the toplevel bin akak the
pipleine. gstreamer handles the aggregation and forwarding internaly.
Thats why you don't specify a concrete bus when doing


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