[gst-devel] EPG data from dvbbasebin

Dr. Peter G. Baum peter at dr-baum.net
Fri Apr 23 09:12:54 CEST 2010

Roland Peffer wrote:
> Every information seems to be send only ones. But I think its better than repeating the information again and again,
> and then filtering redundant information within the application. 
Well, it depends. I want to monitor all channels in the bouquet and show 
the EPG data only of the channel the user watches. That means I have to 
store the information and discard them if they are too old instead of 
just using them when they come.

Secondly I tried:
gst-launch -mtv dvbsrc modulation="QAM 16" trans-mode=8k bandwidth=8 
frequency=658000000 code-rate-lp=AUTO code-rate-hp=2 guard=4 
hierarchy=0 pids=0:16:17:18 stats-reporting-interval=0       ! 
mpegtsparse ! fakesink silent=true

At least once I got even after 5 minutes no single occurrence of an eit 
message with running-status==4.

Additionally, I didn't get a new message when a new movie started in my 
tests yesterday.

Any ideas, what's going wrong?


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