[gst-devel] Calculate resulting output size from a given pipeline

jbd evadream at gmail.com
Wed Mar 17 19:03:21 CET 2010

Hello everybody,

my question concerns audio processing with gstreamer, but maybe it's 
applicable to video.

Imagine i want to convert a flac file to a mp3 using gstreamer (via gst-
launch or using the API) : is there a general way to find the final size 
of the output file (in that case, this would be the mp3 file) without 
running the conversion pipeline ?

I'm not a specialist, but it seems to me that this information could be 
derivate from the metadata of the source file (correct me if i'm wrong). 
The author of the mp3fs filesystem (http://mp3fs.sourceforge.net/) seems 
to calculate the final size of the mp3 file after compression of a flac 
file. That's why i'm wondering if gstreamer can give me this information 
in a more general way.

Thank you for reading !



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