[gst-devel] XOverlay behaviour change ?
Olivier Aubert
olivier.aubert at liris.cnrs.fr
Wed May 12 18:18:16 CEST 2010
Hi Stefan
Thanks for the answer, but this is not the root of the cause since I
also tried this approach and the behaviour is identical. And anyway,
directly using set_xwindow_id is mentioned in the XOverlay doc (this
specific information was added on january 2010 by Tim, so I assume that
it is correct):
>From gst-libs/gst/interfaces/xoverlay.c :
* There are two basic usage scenarios: in the simplest case, the application
* knows exactly what particular element is used for video output, which is
* usually the case when the application creates the videosink to use
* (e.g. #xvimagesink, #ximagesink, etc.) itself; in this case, the application
* can just create the videosink element, create and realize the window to
* render the video on and then call gst_x_overlay_set_xwindow_id() directly
* with the XID or native window handle, before starting up the pipeline.
* In the other and more common case, the application does not know in advance
* what GStreamer video sink element will be used for video output.
* [...use prepare-xwindow-id...]
I am in the first case (instanciating exactly the sink I need), and
calling set_xwindow_id after my embedding widget is realized.
On Wed, 2010-05-12 at 18:49 +0300, Stefan Kost wrote:
> Olivier Aubert wrote:
> > Hello
> >
> > In my python/gtk/gstreamer based application (www.advene.org), I embed a
> > xvimagesink (on linux with gtk 2.20)/ximagesink (on macos x with gtk
> > 2.18) in a gtk.Socket, calling set_xwindow_id after the gtk.Socket is
> > realized.
> >
> You should call set_xwindow_id() in reply to the "prepare-xwindow-id"
> element message on the gstreamer bus. Anything else is sheer luck :) The
> GstXOverlay docs have examples.
> Stefan
> > It worked alright with gst-plugins-good 0.10.21. However, since the
> > upgrade to 0.10.22, the behaviour changed: the image is not displayed
> > until the window has received an expose event (basically, I hide and
> > show the window).
> >
> > I had a quick look at the git logs, but did not find anything that
> > seemed relevant. Has there been a change in the xoverlay API that I
> > should be aware of ? And if not, are there any hints to help me debug
> > this issue?
> >
> > Thanks
> > Olivier
> >
> >
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