[gst-devel] rtp transmit occur "not-negotiated (-4)" error

Agostino De Matteis ademat at gmail.com
Mon Nov 15 22:50:55 CET 2010

citywolf wrote:

> do you have examples of video network streaming pipelines that just over
> udp? no rtp,just udp.


I use a pipeline (C code) that, for the video streaming, looks like this:


v4l2src -> videoscale -> capsfilter -> timeoverlay -> x264enc ->
rtph264pay -> udpsink

Parameters for x264enc:
     bitrate = 2000,
     byte-stream = 1
     cabac = 0

Parameters for rtph264pay:
     mtu = 1438

Caps used for capsfilter:



udpsrc -> gstrtpjitterbuffer -> queue -> rtph264depay -> ffdec_h264 ->
queue -> videoscale -> ffmpegcolorspace -> queue -> ximagesink

Caps for udpsrc:

gst_caps_new_simple ("application/x-rtp",
          "clock-rate", G_TYPE_INT, 90000,
          "encoding-name", G_TYPE_STRING, "H264",

As a matter of fact my pipeline is both server and client.

I'm still not sure this is the right/better way to do it but at least it
seems to work :-)

IIRC I got rid of the "not-negotiated error" adding the caps for udpsrc
(client), the capsfilter after videoscale (server), the videoscale
elements (server and client) and the ffmpegcolorspace element (client).



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